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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Gir lion numbers up 13% in 5 years

Gir lion numbers up 13% in 5 years


Gir lion numbers have increased by13% in 5 years.

Gir lion population up to 411 animals

May 2010. The population of Gir lions has increased to 411, a 13 % growth over the last five years, according to the latest census. The last census, held in 2005, had put their number at 359.

Of the 411 lions, 259 are adults - 97 male and 162 female. The remaining 152 are youner than years old - 77 cubs less than 12 months old and 75 sub-adults in the age group of 1-3.

For the first time, Geographical Information System and Global Positioning System were used to arrive at the accurate number of the big cats roaming in region.

During the census, it was also observed that the population of the lions prey species had also increased in the 1,400 sq kilometres area of the national park and sanctuary.

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